Blog Post

Can Blindness from Glaucoma be Prevented?

Jul 10, 2020

The Short Answer: Yes!

Can Blindness from Glaucoma be Prevented? Vision Quest Medical Center

It used to be rare for someone to develop glaucoma and keep their vision. Thankfully,medical advancements now allow most patients to keep their vision through early detection and ongoing treatment. 

Glaucoma is a family of eye diseases that cause permanent damage to the optic nerve from an increase of pressure. The two most common treatments are drops and surgery. Drops are taken daily, and help to decrease and maintain proper eye pressure. Surgical options work by implanting a tiny device to help drain excess liquid which reduces pressure in the eye. 

Personalized treatment plans can include a combination of surgery and drops, or rely on one method entirely. The decision is reached by analyzing the current damage to the optic nerve and identifying how quickly the disease is progressing. 

Early detection is crucial since the damage caused by glaucoma cannot be reversed. The sooner glaucoma is caught, the more vision a patient will be able to retain. If you or a loved one is experiencing blurry or black peripheral (side) vision, headaches, or nausea, we urge you to make an appointment immediately.

Learn more from Dr. Mong on the development and treatment of glaucoma in the following video:

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