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Caring for Glaucoma in the Treasure Valley 

Jul 02, 2018

Glaucoma is a common disease that can be effectively treated with state of the art technology right here in Boise, Idaho.

Glaucoma in the Treasure Valley, Boise, Idaho

What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a common disease that causes permanent vision loss if not treated. With this condition, pressure in the eye slowly builds until it causes irreparable damage to the optic nerve. This pressure is occurs when the natural fluids in the eye refuse to drain. Since there are no early warning signs, many people with glaucoma aren’t diagnosed until permanent damage has been done. An estimated 3 million Americans suffer from glaucoma, but only half are treating it.

What Causes Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is primarily a hereditary diseases. A few less common causes include chemical eye injuries, blocked blood vessels in the eye, and severe types of eye infections.

There are two types of glaucoma: Open Angle and Angle Closure.

Open Angle is the most common in the west, and occurs when the natural liquids in the eye build up. Generally, the fluid in the eye drains through a mesh like channel. When this channel is blocked, the liquid is unable to drain and puts pressure on the optic nerve. With this type of glaucoma, the damage is done slowly.

Angle Closure Glaucoma is much more rare and generally found in Asia. It occurs when the iris is not as wide as it should be, and blocks the liquid from draining when the pupil is dilated. Early warning signs of Angle Closure Glaucoma include blurred vision, headaches, and a rainbow colored rim around lights at night. If you notice any of the signs of angle closure glaucoma, it is important to seek immediate medical attention. Damage occurs quickly and is irreversible.

Treating Glaucoma

Due to the highly hereditary nature of glaucoma it’s impossible to prevent them. With early detection however, glaucoma can be easily managed. If you have a history of glaucoma in your family, make sure to see your optometrist regularly. Optometrists detect glaucoma by evaluating the eye for optic nerve damage and eye pressure.

Thankfully there are several ways to treat glaucoma. Depending on the severity of the condition doctors may use drops, laser surgery, traditional surgery, or a combination of these. Here are the most common treatment options:

The most common treatment for Glaucoma is drops. Drops can either reduce the formation of the fluid, or help fluid properly drain.

Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery/ MIGS
Depending on the progression of the disease, surgery may be needed to relieve eye pressure. Minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS) is a procedure can be combined with cataract surgery or completed as a stand alone procedure for patients with mild to moderate glaucoma. These procedures have far fewer side effects than traditional glaucoma surgery. At Vision Quest Medical Center, we offer several MIGS options including:

  • iStent Implants: This procedure can be couple with a cataract removal surgery. iStent is an extremely small implant design to help with fluid drainage. After the surgery, you cannot see or feel the device.
  • AbiC: Based on the same principles as angioplasty, ABiC™ uses breakthrough microcatheter technology to enlarge your eye’s natural drainage system, improving outflow and lowering intraocular pressure. It is important to note that ABiC™ acts to restore the eye’s natural outflow system and does not require a permanent implant or device in your eye.
  • SLT Surgery: Also known as Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty, SLT stimulates a natural healing response in the body. The laser therapy uses short pulses of low-energy light to target the melanin, or pigment, in specific cells of the eye. In response, the body’s natural healing mechanisms go to work to rebuild these cells. This rebuilding process improves drainage and lowers pressure in the eye. The procedure is painless and usually takes only 5 minutes.

Traditional Surgery
Although traditional surgery methods are effective, they have a substantial number of potential complications. There are two main types of traditional surgery for glaucoma, Trabeculectomy and Tube Shunt implantation.

  • Trabeculectomy is the most common type of traditional surgery for glaucoma. In this operation the clogged mesh work is removed from the eye allowing fluid to drain.
  • Tube Shunt Implantation. This operation is generally done alongside a Trabeculectomy. During the surgery, a tube is installed to drain excess eye fluid into an external reservoir.

Recovering from Glaucoma Surgery

Your recovery time is largely based on the procedure type. MIGS procedures generally heal faster, with results in two weeks to four weeks. Traditional surgery methods can take up to two months for pressure to diminish and vision to stabilize.

Vision Quest Medical Center offers the most extensive and comprehensive treatment for glaucoma care in Boise. Our qualified staff uses top of the line technology to deliver the best results to our patients every time.

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