Blog Post

Is LASIK Right for Me?

Feb 17, 2022

What is LASIK and Who Can Benefit

Would you like to eliminate or reduce your dependence on glasses or contacts? In as little as 20 minutes you could restore your vision to 20/20 or better! If you're 19 years of age or older with a stable prescription and free from eye disease, LASIK could be right for you. But why LASIK you ask?

The benefits are many! Clear vision is of course the main quality of life change, but there are other improvements as well:

  • Confidence: You may feel a boost in self confidence after ditching the glasses and contacts.
  • Savings: The long term costs of glasses and contacts add up, making LASIK a smart investment!
  • Freedom: Without glasses and contacts, you can try new hobbies or sports you may have avoided before.
  • Time: No more worrying about prescriptions, refills, or backup glasses. You're good go to all the time!

So there's plenty of reasons to get LASIK, but how does it work?

LASIK is a laser correction procedure that uses light to reshape the cornea. Nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism can be corrected. Corneas are a bit like fingerprints in that everyone's has a unique shape. We use the latest technology available to measure the cornea's surface, creating a customized map of 22,000 unique elevation points per eye. This means your procedure will be completely customized to your individual eyes, ensuring the best results possible.

Once you've decided to go ahead with the procedure the process if quite simple:

  • Step 1: Your ophthalmologist performs an exam to confirm you're a good candidate.
  • Step 2: Highly detailed measurements are taken, creating the map of your cornea.
  • Step 3: On procedure day your eyes will be numbed with drops, the procedure take about 20 minutes.
  • Step 4: Post procedure you'll rest in a recovery room for about an hour before heading home with you driver.
  • Step 5: You rest at home with eye shields for at least a few hours while your eyes being to heal.

That's it! You can begin to notice results right away, and typically can resume normal activities the next day.

Ready to Get Started?

Give us a call or schedule an appointment below to get started! We've been restoring vision for over three decades right here in the Treasure Valley and would love to help you meet your vision goals.

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