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Recovering from Cataract Surgery 

Jul 10, 2018

What to Expect in the Weeks Following Your Cataract Operation

Recovering from Cataract Surgery Vision Quest Medical Center

Cataract Surgery aims to remove the clouded lens that blocks vision. It boast a 98% success rate and is one of the most reliable and safest medical procedures performed today. Millions of Americans undergo cataract surgery each year with minimal complications and quick results.

Right After Surgery

Before you arrive, ensure you have a ride home as you will be unable to operate machinery until cleared by your doctor. After arrival the cataract surgery itself only takes about 10 minutes. Afterword you’ll be moved to a recovery room for 30 minutes to monitor for complications. During this time the doctors at Vision Quest Medical Center will review important details about your recovery and schedule follow up appointments.

Before you leave the clinic, you’ll be given a pair of dark sunglasses and a protective shield for your operative eye. It’s important to wear them on the drive home to protect your eye from the sun; excessive light can cause irritation. You can remove the protective shield once your home. It’s recommended you continue to wear the shield at night to prevent accidental rubbing. You may experience a mild stinging or burning sensation immediately after the surgery - this is normal and should recede quickly. Let your doctor know if discomfort lingers for longer than a day.

Most patients see results in the first few hours after surgery. Colors seem more vibrant and their vision is less blurry. In the next 2 weeks after your surgery your vision will slowly continue to improve. If you do not see immediate improvements don’t panic, sometimes patients experience blurry or distorted vision as their eye adapts to the new IOL lense. This generally clears up after a day.

Eye drops will be prescribed to keep inflammation under control and to prevent infection. Usually this prescription is written after the surgery for your to pick up on your way home. In some cases the prescription can be picked up before the surgery if requested in advance.

Once you get home it’s recommended you relax and avoid strenuous activity. Depending on the intensity of your surgery, doctors may recommend you avoid reading or watching television as well.

The Next Day

Your first follow up appointment will likely be the day after your surgery. This gives your doctors a chance to assess the eye for any early signs of infection. It also gives you the opportunity to discuss with them any lingering side effects such as distorted vision or burning sensations.

Plan on having someone drive you to this appointment as well. Generally patients are cleared to drive after this session if the eye seems to be recovering well and no side effects are present.

Your doctor will also go over prescribed medications and answer any questions you have about the dosage or schedule. Additional follow-up appointments will be scheduled at this time.

The Following Weeks

Remember to wear your dark sunglasses when going outdoors for at least a week following your surgery. Be careful to keep your eye clean at all times to prevent infection. Avoid bending over as well, this puts extra pressure on your eye. After a week you should be able to return to your normal routine but talk to your doctor about returning to strenuous activities such as heavy lifting or physical exercise.

You’ll have a series of follow up appointments over the next few weeks to monitor your eye’s progress. It’s normal to feel sensitivity in your eye from the wind or sun, as well as occasionally seeing halos from bright lights. If either of these symptoms occur notify your doctor. Continue to carefully follow your eye drops schedule to prevent side effects. The most common side effect at this stage is dry eye, which can be treated with over the counter or prescription eye drops.

Cataract surgery is one of the safest medical procedures performed today. The side effects are rare and easily treatable when they do occur. Recovery time is short with most patients returning to their normal routine within a week of surgery.

Ready for clearer vision?

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