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Types of Cataracts 

Oct 03, 2019

Cataracts are usually a natural part of aging.

Types of Cataracts. Vision Quest Medical

Cataracts are one of the most common age-related eye diseases in the world. In 2015 there were 3.6 million cataract surgeries in the United States alone. These surgeries are quick, relatively painless, and one of the most commonly performed medical procedures in America. There are three primary types of cataracts:

Nuclear Sclerotic cataracts are the most common, developing with age. They take years to progress to the point of diagnosis and may actually cause temporary improvement to near vision before degrading eyesight. This type of cataract is caused by the slow hardening and yellowing of the lens.

Cortical cataracts begin in the edges of the lens and move inward with white streaks or wedge shapes. Vision is compromised around these white areas, strongly affecting night vision, causing light sensitivity, and glare around lights. This type of cataract progresses unpredictably; developing slowly, seeming to halt, or forming quickly.

Posterior Subcapsular cataracts tend to develop very quickly in the back of the eye where they block light from entering the eye. Symptoms include glare or halos around lights at night, and difficulty reading. Unlike nuclear sclerotic or cortical cataract, subcapsular cataracts can be caused from taking certain medications, like diabetic treatments or corticosteroids. Because of this, subcapsular cataracts are often found in younger people.

If you or a loved one are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, consider scheduling an eye appointment. People 60 years of age or older are especially at risk for cataracts and should have their eyes checked at least every two years.

Vision Quest Medical center specializes in treating all kinds of cataracts. Our expert surgeons use the latest technology available, including the newly approved PanOptix Trifocal Lens,the only lens able to correct vision every distances. Schedule a consultation today to discover how you can meet your vision goals!

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